• Green Romances

    Directed by Marine Atlan
    France | 32 minutes | North American premiere |

  • Green Romances

    Directed by Marine Atlan
    France | 32 minutes | North American premiere |

  • Green Romances

    Directed by Marine Atlan
    France | 32 minutes | North American premiere |

A lovely, languid look into the heart of a young girl with an unrequited crush that dominates her every thought, despite the distraction of friendship and the marching band she performs in.

film synopsis

film details

Director: Marine Atlan
Producers: Yannick Beauquis
Screenwriter: Anne Brouillet, Marine Atlan
Cinematographers: Marine Atlan
Editor: Guillaume Lillo
Cast: Camille Lerebourg, David Anselme, Nadine Bisson
Original Language Title: Les Amours Vertes
Country: France
Language: French
Year: 2015
Running Time: 32 minutes
Premiere Status: North American premiere
Awards: Grand Prix, Clermont-Ferrand; Special Mention from Jury, Angers Film Festival
Display Format: DCP - 2D

2016 ShortFest Archive