• A Heavy Heart

    Directed by Thomas Stuber
    Germany | 109 minutes | US | New Voices/New Visions

  • A Heavy Heart

    Directed by Thomas Stuber
    Germany | 109 minutes | US | New Voices/New Visions

  • A Heavy Heart

    Directed by Thomas Stuber
    Germany | 109 minutes | US | New Voices/New Visions

  • A Heavy Heart

    Directed by Thomas Stuber
    Germany | 109 minutes | US | New Voices/New Visions

A lion in winter, former boxing champion Herbert is on the ropes physically and (if he would admit it) emotionally. Keenly aware that time is running out, he starts to put his house in order in this powerful character study.

film details

Director: Thomas Stuber
Producers: Undine Filter, Thomas Král, Anatol Nitschke
Screenwriter: Thomas Stuber, Clemens Meyer, Paul Salisbury
Cinematographers: Peter Matjasko
Editor: Philipp Thomas
Music: Bert Wrede
Cast: Peter Kurth, Lina Wendel, Lena Lauzemis, Edin Hasanovic
Original Language Title: Herbert
Country: Germany
Language: German
Year: 2015
Running Time: 109 minutes
Premiere Status: US
Display Format: DCP

2016 PS Film Festival