Directed by Sonny Calvento
    Philippines/Singapore | 14 minutes | Strictly Business

The audition process for an exploitative game show becomes the latest test of a long-suffering mother’s fortitude and tenacity.

film details

Director: Sonny Calvento
Producers: Arden Rod Condez, Sheron Dayoc, Weijie Lai
Screenwriter: Sonny Calvento
Cinematographers: Ian Alexander Guevara
Editor: Carlo Francisco Manatad
Music: Len Calvo
Cast: Meryll Soriano, Kiki Baento, Marj Lorico, Jorrybell Agoto, Jo Andrew Torlao
Country: Philippines/Singapore
Language: in Filipino with English subtitles
Year: 2023
Running Time: 14 minutes
Primary Company: Southern Lantern Studios
Contact Email: sherondayoc@southernlantern.com
Website: southernlantern.com

ShortFest 2024