• Once there was a sea...

    Directed by Joanna Kozuch
    Poland/Slovakia | 17 minutes | U.S. Premiere | Truth Be Told

Most of the changes in climate and landscape in the area of the Aral Sea are the outcomes of one of the worst man-made eco-catastrophes in human history. The Aral Sea is dying.

film details

Director: Joanna Kozuch
Producers: Peter Badač
Screenwriter: Joanna Kozuch, Katarína Moláková
Cinematographers: Animators: Marek Jasaň, Joanna Kozuch, Michaela Mašáňová, Agata Mikina, Marta Magnuska, Jolanta Dudzińska, Matej Babic, Michalina Musialik, Justyna Pazdan, Janusz Martyn
Editor: Marek Šulík
Music: Martin Hasák
Original Language Title: Bolo raz jedno more…
Country: Poland/Slovakia
Language: in Russian with English subtitles
Year: 2022
Running Time: 17 minutes
Premiere Status: U.S. Premiere
Primary Company: Miyu Distribution
Contact Email: festival@miyu.fr


2022 ShortFest