• Lions in the Corner

    Directed by Paul Hairston
    USA | 9 minutes |

In Virginia, Scarface started a fight club in his backyard to combat gun and knife violence in the area. Soon it turned into something much more.

In competition for the Local Jury Award

film synopsis

film details

Director: Paul Hairston
Producers: Jake Ewald, Tripp Kramer
Cinematographers: Gaul Porat, Matt Ballard
Editor: Cavan J. Faucett
Music: Tobias Norberg
Cast: Chris “Scarface” Wilmore
Country: USA
Language: English
Year: 2019
Running Time: 9 minutes
Contact Email: hairstonsmith@gmail.com
Website: https://www.paulhairston.com/

director biography

Meet the Filmmaker

2020 ShortFest Archive