• Lanterns

    Directed by Juan Pablo Hernández Valdez
    Mexico | 10 minutes |

In the streets of Salamanca, fear and uncertainty abound. The recent wave of violence in the region generates an atmosphere of distrust, but there are some spaces in which trust and peace still abide.

In competition for Best Documentary Short and Best Student Documentary Short

film synopsis

film details

Director: Juan Pablo Hernández Valdez
Producers: Georgina Castañeda Villegas
Screenwriter: Juan Pablo Hernandez Valdez
Cinematographers: Marcos Cordero Rodriguez
Editor: Javier Octavio Castillo Ruiz
Music: Jorge Diaz Hernandez
Original Language Title: Faroles
Country: Mexico
Language: In Spanish with English subtitles.
Year: 2019
Running Time: 10 minutes
Awards: 2nd Place for Student Documentary, Guanajuato International Film Festival; Honorific Mention for Student Documentary, DOQUMENTA - International Documentary Festival
Contact Email: j.pablo.heva@gmail.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/FarolesCortometraje/

director biography

meet the filmmaker

2020 ShortFest Archive