• Petite Maman

    Directed by Céline Sciamma
    France | 72 minutes | Modern Masters

In director Céline Sciamma’s enchanting follow-up to Portrait of a Lady on Fire (PSIFF 2020), she explores the bonds between mother and daughter through the eyes of eight-year-old Nelly, who befriends a mysterious girl in the forest who seems to be her mirror image.

film synopsis

In the woods behind the house of her late grandmother, eight-year-old Nelly goes searching for the tree fort where her mother, Marion, played as a child. There she encounters a girl who could be her own mirror image. Her name is also Marion, and when she takes Nelly home with her, the house looks almost the same as her grandma’s, and Marion’s mother walks with the same limp as Nelly’s beloved grandmother. Best not to say any more about the plot of the enchanting Petite Maman, whose mysteries unfold with the matter-of-fact simplicity of a fable. In her first film since Portrait of Lady on Fire (PSIFF 2020), the brilliant Céline Sciamma filters her themes of loss, grief and the complex bond between mothers and daughters through the eyes of her imaginative child protagonist.

film details

Director: Céline Sciamma
Producers: Bénédicte Couvreur
Screenwriter: Céline Sciamma
Cinematographers: Claire Mathon
Editor: Julien Lacheray
Music: Jean-Baptiste de Laubier
Cast: Joséphine Sanz, Gabrielle Sanz, Nina Meurisse, Stéphane Varupenne
Country: France
Language: In French with English subtitles.
Year: 2021
Running Time: 72 minutes
Director Filmography: Portrait of a Lady on Fire (2019), Girlhood (2014), Tomboy (2011), Water Lilies (2007)
Awards: Audience Award, San Sebastián International Film Festival; Best Movie, Rome Film Festival
Primary Company: NEON

Film Festival 2022