• WHAT. THE. F**K.

    88 minutes |

Warning: this program is deliciously weird and risqué. Like "I can't believe I just saw this" weird or "I might need to sit alone for a bit" weird. Also, if you don't want to make eye contact with people afterward, we won't blame you.

Short Films


In an advanced technological society where the caterpillar has special significance, the people desire metamorphosis.

The Dressing

In spaces wet and dry living things perform the search for meaning in rhythms.


One afternoon in a Tiki bar, two strangers listen to a man wallowing in the misfortunes that have befallen him all because of an original idea he had. But the one thing he positively cannot tell them is the idea itself.

Safe Space

A lonely young man uncovers a series of disturbing secrets when he gets inducted into an all-male safe space.

The Subject

In this story-within-a-story about the art of creation, the conceptual limits of animation examine the connections between life and death, body and psyche, individual and community, real and imaginary, as it delves into the invisible worlds within.

The Tail

Ekrem lives a quiet life alone except for this one thing he has to take care of from time to time. He runs into his pretty neighbor Sevval as he goes to throw it away.

Who's a Good Boy

A creepy park urinator is kidnapped by his victims and becomes their pet dog.

film details

Running Time: 88 minutes

2019 ShortFest Archive