• Possessions

    Directed by Zeke Farrow
    USA | 18 minutes | California Premiere |

Zeke decides to sell all his things and make a documentary about it. He discovers that some possessions are easier to let go of than others.

film synopsis

film details

Director: Zeke Farrow
Producers: Zeke Farrow, Erica McIntire, Ryan Buckley
Screenwriter: Zeke Farrow
Cinematographers: Erica McIntire
Editor: Ryan Buckley, Zeke Farrow
Music: Steve Matthew Carter
Cast: Zeke Farrow, Erica McIntire, Christine Woods
Country: USA
Year: 2019
Running Time: 18 minutes
Premiere Status: California Premiere
Primary Company: Zekeness

director biography

2019 ShortFest Archive