Directed by Trent Ubben, Jack Jensen
    USA | 75 minutes | World Premiere | Local Spotlight


Join us for post-screening Q&As on January 6 and 13.

Film Festival 2024

In the final days of their season, Joshua Tree’s own Copper Mountain College men’s basketball team, the Fighting Cacti, make one last push for the playoffs in an unforgettable, nail-biting game against the visiting Cypress College Chargers.

film details

Director: Trent Ubben, Jack Jensen
Producers: Joshua Zev Nathan, Jack Jensen, Trent Ubben
Screenwriter: Jack Jensen, Trent Ubben
Cinematographers: Adam Bial
Editor: Trent Ubben
Cast: Walter Parham, Britain "BK" Kelly, Tawni Kelly, Allexa Parham, Christian Barrett, Jeff Cummings, Sandy Smith, Ken Simonds, Malcolm Evans, Anthony Rice, Will Valsien, Dillon Voyles, Mikah Blackwell, Dominique Anderson, D’Shaun Barrett, Darius Davis, Demauria Tropet, Demarcus King, Quentin Fankhouser, Jamal Frank, Zack Kroker, Kenny Bates, Adam Woods, Isayas Aris
Country: USA
Language: English
Year: 2023
Running Time: 75 minutes
Premiere Status: World Premiere
Primary Company: RTG Features

Film Festival 2024