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    Directed by Alejandra Vasquez, Sam Osborn
    USA | 104 minutes | True Stories/Student Screening Day


Join us for post-screening Q&As on January 12 and 13.

Film Festival 2024

An audience favorite!

In the borderlands of South Texas, the Edinburg North High School’s acclaimed mariachi band starts a year off with inexperienced musicians, a limited budget and intense competition. Will their dedicated coach and unwavering spirit catapult them back to the top?

film details

Director: Alejandra Vasquez, Sam Osborn
Producers: James Lawler, Luis A. Miranda, Jr., Julia Pontecorvo
Cinematographers: Michael Crommett
Editor: Daniela I. Quiroz
Music: Camilo Lara, Demian Galvez
Cast: Abel Acuña, Joana Campos, Melanie Cantú, Evelyn Escalon, Isaac Escalon, Abigail Garcia, Guadalupe Lopez, Isabella Luna, Gabriella Salinas, Legacy Taylor, Isaac Vargas, Armonia Mariah Guel, Andraya Martínez, Drake Pacheo, Dorimar Reyes, Marlena Torres, Aydin Vargas, Luis Acosta, Erick Brown, Elijah Galloso, Kaleb Skilbred
Country: USA
Language: In English and Spanish with English subtitles
Year: 2023
Running Time: 104 minutes
Primary Company: Osmosis Films

Film Festival 2024